McAllen View...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Birding the Border

Hey, everyone!

I'm off to Manzanillo, Mexico where I hearI can do some birding. I wonder if the birding down there is as fun as it is in McAllen? Did you know the Rio Grande Valley has over 500 bird species?! The RGV has 9 World Birding Centers with expert guides waiting to show you the best birding experience. If you need to check any birds of your life-list, make must visit South Texas!


  1. Hope you took your bird book and binos with you. It would be fun to see how many of our birds they have down there, too.

  2. Speaking of Birding the Border, I wrote a book of the same name. (It's available at local nature and book stors and through It's a series of stories about various people's experiences while birding here in the Rio Grande Valley. People such as former President Jimmy Carter and birding great Kenn Kaufman are in it, along with local birding folks such as Fr. Tom Pincelli and Roy Rodriguez. It's fun reading!
